TIPPS - Secret Box Solving

Step 1 How to prepare a riddle.
In our example, we will pick the number 9 1 8. Follow this path with us to understand the assembly of the Secret Box and to prepare the combination lock.
Look at the key card (Card Nr 4)- Note that the number 9 is a combination of symbol, color, and direction. (look at the video). Similarly, the numbers 1 and 8.
Now pick 3 numbers and define a different symbol for each. IMPORTANT: characters must not be repeated!
Step 2 Card Nr 1
Stick the symbols on the indicated places of Card Nr 1. They are circled with a dotted line. IMPORTANT: you should stick the symbols from top to bottom in the same order in which you picked the numbers.
Step 3 Card Nr 2
Take Card Nr 2 and stick the colored stickers on the indicated places (they are circled by a dotted line).
Step 4 Look again at the key card (Card Nr 4). For each hidden number, determine 3 directions.
Take Card Nr 3. Find the direction designations on it and put a sticker of the corresponding color on each of them. If you want to make the puzzle more difficult, put other stickers on the unoccupied places circled by the dotted line on this map.
The riddle is ready. Code 9 1 8 is ready to be solved.
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